Harvard Extension School: Audacious Freedom: African Americans in Philadelphia from 1776-1876


Tuesday, January 18, 2022, 4:00pm to 5:00pm



The Dean of Students Office (DSO) Invites You To Attend:

Audacious Freedom: African Americans in Philadelphia from 1776-1876

on Tuesday, January 18th, 4-5PM ET.




Join the Dean of Students Office as we’re led on a virtual tour by the African American Museum in Philadelphia of their standing exhibit, “Audacious Freedom: African Americans in Philadelphia from 1776-1876.” In this exhibit, students will meet people who helped build Philadelphia. They will learn about where they lived, the institutions they built, and where they worshiped. They will also hear about how they risked their lives, their families, and everything they had to simply be free human beings and citizens in pursuit of their own lives, liberties and happiness.